
The house raising crew arrived at 8:00am and waved good bye at 11:00am having raised our house 9 1/2 feet.


The framing crew came in at 8:00am and finished framing the house by the end of the next day. This included forming a wall to carry the center support wall.


The house raising crew lowered the house.

080726 to 080824

Plumbing went in along with a new 3/4 inch water line follwed by an inspection and filling in the crawl space (40 inches deep). The new floor was poured after the poly, insulation, wire mesh and the tubing for the hot water heating went in.


I called the town about making a request for a variance to allow for the veranda to be extended into the frontline set back. We were only allowed a four foot veranda in the front. It turned out that the request had to be in by the end of the day (one hour) in order for it to be heard on September 4, ten days later, so I wrote one up and got it in on time.

080826 to 080903

I had to get the lot surveyed and the people from the town hall were very helpful and professional in ensuring that I understood the procedures.


The hearing before the board of variance was very well done. The questions from the members were pertinent and explored the issues thoroughly. Fortunately, we received the variance requested.


The carpentry crew began to work on the deck by removing the little pony / shoulder walls. I removed the poly, plywood and the 2x6's airing out the deck. I went on to finish the siding on the shed and putting up the fence. I went to the dump and picked up some new cedar slats to finish the fence.


The carpentry crew began to work on the trim for the beam holding up the veranda roof. They put on the underside piece all the way around as well as doing some prep work for the soffat under the deck. I went ahead and leveled the ground for the scaffolding which meant that I had to remove the blocks for the retaining wall and dig out the trench two inches deeper. I leveled the ground down the north side so that I could wheel in sand as a base for the new retaining wall.


I cleaned up the piles of wood leaning up against the house. Using a pair of saw horses that I made, I stacked the wood on three levels. Then i ripped some 2x6's into three strips for the drop ceiling. I'll finish this on Monday.

081116 on

We've gotten to the stage where I can focus on two other rather large projects that I must attend to. I did a bit more work on the electrical, and I have put on a temporary cover on the deck so that we can get thru the winter. I'll finish up the electrical and plumbing and the brick driveway and retaining wall as i find time. Also, I add the trades contact info as it comes in.