Web Access Data Management Tool

Web Access Data Management Tool, or WADMT for short, is a dynamic, interactive application which makes displaying data on your website much simpler. No need to manually create or update the HTML necessary to display large amounts of tabular data; just create a relational database containing the data, and run through a multi-step web wizard that aids you in the creation of datasets (unique sets or groupings of related data), which can easily be queried by an interactive form. Results are retrieved from your database and displayed - automatically! The look of the dynamic webpage is modular, separate from the functionality, and therefore easily adjusted to meet customer preference.

Scroll over the bottom right hand corner of the page to navigate the presentation or click anywhere on the page other than on an image to move through the tour and see how easy it is to create dynamic webpages. Click the Back button to return to the Products pages.


Purpose of WADMT

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High-Level Flow Diagram

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Administration Section

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

Administration Section Continued...

Querying section

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

Querying Section Continued...

[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

Querying Section End

The End

Scroll over the bottom right hand corner of the page to navigate the presentation.

Click on the Back button to return to the Products page.

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