Alternative Socio-Economic Indicators Survey

The purpose of this inquiry is to examine the spatial extent of various indicators of social and economic integration eminating from an urban core area. To this end, a survey has been designed to be conducted by telephone. The survey attempts to measure the degree to which residents in outlying areas use the core for various activities.

Survey Provisions

Participation is voluntary.

Phone numbers were randomly generated and tabulation does not include identifiers.


If not a full time resident of the indicated area, thank and terminate.

Read only if the respondant requires more information or is reluctant to continue:

If interview proceeds...


Section 1. Information and Communications

1. Did the newspaper that you read most recently, originate from Kingston? y/n/na

2. Did the radio station that you listened to most recently, originate from Kingston? y/n/na

Interviewer note: If the respondant answers with the names of two or more radio stations or newspapers, reword the question asking if the last one that you read/ listened to was from Kingston. If respondant questions this approach mention that the most recent activity is used in order to improve accuracy as it is easier overall to remember the last one rather than estimate frequency of use.

3. Was Kingston the place to which you made your most recent phone call? y/n

4. Was Kingston the place from which you received your most recent phone call? y/n


Section 2. Services

5. Was Kingston the place where you received your most recent minor* health care service? (*not requiring hospital services ) y/n/na

6. Was Kingston the place where you received your most recent major* health care service? (*requiring hospital services ) y/n/na


Section 3. Goods

7. Was Kingston the place where you made your most recent purchase of an item valued less than $1000? y/n/na

8. Was Kingston the place where you made your most recent purchase of an item valued at or over $1000? y/n/na


Section 4. Social Activities

"Just two more questions then sir/madam, regarding social (this is occassionally confused with 'postal') activites..."

9. Was Kingston the place where you participated in your most recent social activity involving less than twenty people? y/n/na

10. Was Kingston the place where you participated in your most recent social activity involving more than twenty people? y/n/na


Thank you very much for your time and have a good day.